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Don't miss this general membership meeting via Zoom

May 21st - 5:30pm to 7:00pm - Race Class Narrative w/Angelique Rogers, JoAnna Bautch, and Mireya Mercado. Logo for RCN attached. Zoom link at bottom of email in bold. Must pre-register.

We are hosting our general party meeting on May 21st @ 5:30pm via Zoom. We will be talking about Race-Class Narrative, which is a messaging narrative used to bridge the gap between economic inequality and racial injustice. It's had huge successes in other states, including Minnesota, and is being tested in Wisconsin right now with huge success. I encourage anyone volunteering with the Eau Claire County Democrats to attend this event. This is also a really important messaging narrative for rural areas.

Register here: . Meeting info will be sent after you register.

"Both economic and racial justice are core progressive priorities, but too often campaigns discuss them as if they were separate.The truth is both racial and economic harms are intertwined. Our opponents promote racial fears to turn out white voters, pitting working people against each other and against good government, while economic pain fuels racial resentment and facilitates scapegoating, including attacks on immigrants and Muslims.

A narrative that integrates both race and class can energize and persuade a truly multi-racial cohort to support progressive policies and vote for progressive candidates. The key for cross-racial solidarity, voter engagement, and policy victories is mobilizing around the connections between racial divisions and economic hardship. Here, for the first time, is empirical data that supports this unifying race-forward message, while showing the benefits of calling out dog-whistle racism for what it is: a divide-and-conquer strategy that creates distrust and undermines belief in government."

For more information:  

Registration link: Register in advance for this meeting: 
DOWNLOAD the ZOOM APP on your device to participate.

Join other fellow Democrats and progressives for our monthly meeting via ZOOM.