Of the People, For the People, By the People…
Eau Claire County is an important center of higher education, medical care, retailing, agriculture, and manufacturing. The Eau Claire County Democratic Party has a responsibility to work to influence public policy at local, state, and national levels to ensure freedom and economic opportunity for all citizens in order to reaffirm and ensure a government truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people”, we are committed to a democratic system in which citizens are empowered, participation is encouraged, and all votes are counted.
2025Executive Committee:
Phil Swanhorst - Chair
Gloria Hochstein - Vice Chair
Dan Shuda - Treasurer
Dylan Vangsness - Secretary
Linda Norton - At Large
Bonnie Fisher - At Large
Margetta Souder - At Large
Johanna Northcutt - At Large
Dana Wachs - At Large
OPEN - College Democrat
Rollie Hicks - Member Emeritus
Management Team:
Kitty Rahl - Coordinator
Phil Swanhorst
Gloria Hochstein
Linda Norton
Patty Horecki
Margetta Souder